
At Spring Blossoms, experiences are designed to stimulate learning in all areas
- physical, social, emotional and intellectual. This is our first step towards excellence.
Spring Blossomers are taught basic skills through a need based curriculum designed
by a committed, trained and experienced resource team. Multiple Intelligence theory
works as a tool through which children learn & relate to the concepts chosen
for their over all personality development.
Smart class room which is a technology oriented initiative enhances the learning
process & provides an effective tool for interactive self-paced learning. .
Self Enhancement

Blossomers have an identity and sense of self. They are intelligent beings who understand
their place in the world.
They have the ability to learn through active exploration and interaction with concrete
material, adults and peer group.
They develop ways to express their view point at a complex level through clear understanding
and analyzing the world around them. They solve problems, make choices and practice
self help skills.
They are empowered with independence and self reliance.
A Heterogeneous Unit

at Spring Blossoms are balanced human beings with an open mind wherein they recognize
and respect all the view points expressed in the world around them. They value all
cultures, religions and various backgrounds identifying with each one. They are
empathic enough to succeed by giving way to others
Learning - A fun filled experience

children take their first steps at Spring Blossoms, a whole new world begins to
unfold. At school here, this excitement & energy is channelized towards positive
growth of mind, body & personality.